Marna van den Berg
Consulting Associate & Enneagram Coach
Marna is a registered Industrial Psychologist in South Africa (PS0079073).
Career track record
Marna has more than 25 years of experience in the Talent Management field. She started her career in 1997 as a Human Resources Officer at the RAF, where she was exposed to various aspects of human resources. As Senior Human Resources Officer, she provided a full human resources function to the Head Office and Pretoria Branch. During her career at the Fund, she also worked as a Senior Training Officer and was responsible for training interventions, compilation of training materials and facilitation.
In 2003 she joined Nkomati Mine in Mpumalanga as Human Resources Manager. Her responsibilities included Recruitment and Selection, Employment Equity, Performance Management, Labour Relations, Skills Development, HR Administration, HIV/Aids Management and Community Development.
After completing her Human Resources M.Com degree at the University of Pretoria, she registered as an Industrial Psychologist at the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
In 2006 she started her own business, Unlock People Excellence CC, and provided consultation services to various clients on recruitment and selection, competency-based interviews, human resources policies, psychometric assessments, facilitation of workshops etc.
She joined Saville & Holdsworth Ltd. as a Consultant in 2011 and was responsible for key account management and consulted with clients on psychometric assessments, job analysis etc.
Marna is self-employed since 2011 and work as an independent Industrial Psychologist providing consultancy services in Association with Consulting Companies to various clients on Psychometric Assessments, Job Analysis, etc.
Her journey with Enneagram started in 2008 when she received the “Wisdom of the Enneagram” by Don Riso and Russ Hudson as a gift from her brother. She is accredited with Integrative Enneagram since 2018.
“Enneagram is a rich and powerful tool for self-discovery and I would encourage everyone to embark on what many clients describe as a life-changing experience.”